Tuesday, September 6, 2011

As I dressed for work his morning I reflected on how there was a time in my life when I wouldn't have been caught dead in a short-sleeved button-down shirt--from K-Mart! But there I was, suited up for an episode of Dorkville when I noticed that my belt wouldn't cinch up tight enough. I mentioned this to Cara and she said, "I guess you'll have to punch another hole in it." What's next--a pocket protector?
Did I ever tell you my idea for a movie? It's called The Etch-a-Sketch Kid and follows a young lad who lives in a loveless home but is able to create an alternate universe with his Etch-a-Sketch. He inhabits whatever he draws. It's counter-intuitive, I suppose, but the sad reality portion of the movie would be filmed in color while the Etch-a-Sketch scenes would be in Leave it to Beaver black and white.
What about you--any movie ideas you'd like me to float past my agent?

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