Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I had my moment. Clocked 51 consecutive double-unders. It's fun to reach a practical goal via the old P&P (perseverance and perspiration). What will my next strange little personal challenge be?

A.M. Pyramid (100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 sit-ups)
P.M. 700 double-unders


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I finished lone survior the other night. I read most of it in one sitting because it just such a crazy story. Thanks again for the book too. Have you seen the interview with Matt Lauer? He asks Marcus if he could go back to the beginning of the operation when they were contemplating what they should do with the sheepherders, if he would have done things differently. He said he'd rather be alongside the other 3 guys in jail. Anyway, it's on youtube if you search for Marcus Luttrell Matt Lauer definitely worth watching. Not enough can be said about those guys and their sacrifice.
