Thursday, March 3, 2011

I have removed the junk food from my diet and the junk from my exercise regimen (meaning I'm focusing on high-intensity), but I sure would like to go for a plain old walk. Not that any snow will melt tonight, seeing as how it's going to be 10 below the donut. Come on, Grandmaster Weatherman, it's March for goodness sake!
Let me see if I can put today's workout (with my beautiful son Jake), in an algebraic format:
6x (8x30 sec.)=24 minutes jump rope + 8 minutes up dog/down dog + 100 squats + 98 push-ups + 100 sit-ups + 56 rows

1 comment:

  1. Last night I introduced yet another friend to the Rottersman Jump Rope Interval Work Out. She really liked it. Maybe you do have an infomercial to sell :-)
